After a relatively miserable week of food at the CERN nuclear physics lab outside Geneva (menus proton and neutron at the cafeteria every day for four days, guuuuuhhhh) my friend Donat took me and some others to a lovely restaurant on the water at Lake Geneva. Apps of escargots and air-dried beef - the beef resembling a pastrami taste, fantastic, served with cornichons and pickled mushrooms - and a dinner of fresh lake perch meuniere. Local white wine, vinho verde-ish with an almost-fizz.
I was happy. Gorgeous clear late afternoon blended into a clear night. I was provided a glass of the local hard liquor. Relaxed and mellow.
Then dessert menus came out. I see a dish labeled "meringues de gruyere" - a hard sugar-and-egg meringue, topped with gruyere double cream - 48% fat, people - on top of two scoops of ice cream. I had to do it.
It may well have been the richest dish I have ever consumed. I struggled to finish it...but somehow, somehow, survived to the end. The picture above pulled from google images doesn't do it justice. If you ever get a chance, try it. Then call your doc to schedule that angioplasty you've been putting off.